The Gift of Art

Dear Friends,
It is gift-giving season, and it just so happens that I have an urgent need to lighten my artwork load—which may work out nicely for you! My paintings and supplies have been stored at a friend’s house in San Francisco, but that space is going to be unavailable to me very soon.
So here is a gallery of available larger works. They are priced according to the selling prices of similar works owned by other patrons, but I invite you to make an offer. I am also willing to sell works on a payment plan.
I have other, smaller/less expensive pieces as well, but don’t have an accurate record of what I still have on hand. If you would like me to contact you about smaller works when I get back to the Bay Area, please let me know. However, it would be particularly helpful to me to sell larger works right now—so if this is something you can consider, please do.
As always, word of mouth is the best recommendation, so if, alternatively, you have a friend you think would like my work, I would appreciate the referral.
Also, some of you are familiar with my body of work—please feel free to inquire about any works on this site (, or that you may be aware of (one-off’s or in-progress pieces visitors and/or FB friends have seen, but which are not posted). If they are still available, I would be happy to consider an offer.
I should be able to deliver Bay Area works before Christmas/Hanukkah/Solstice/Other Dark-Night-Type Celebration—hopefully, at the latest, in January.
Please contact me if you would like to discuss, or if you have any questions:
Thank you for considering! And Happy Holidays. Even as so many of us feel more devastated and confused than happy, we must use this moment to embrace our sources of light and love…to strengthen our spines and hearts, and make us strong enough for whatever is to come.
With Love,
Susana Montana
PS: Life/Art updates here: